Saturday, June 20, 2015

These are young England football stars in their training camp. Look carefully and ask yourself... What do these photos tell us about race in Britain today?

                       England football stars photo tells up about race in Britain today
At first glance, they look like any bunch of young lads sitting down to a meal. In this case, they happen to be the England Under-20s football squad. Look more closely, though, and you will see a startling fact: one table is entirely inhabited by black players, the other by white.
The same pattern can be seen in other pictures taken at the squad’s training base during a tournament in France last month.
Exercising in the swimming pool, six white players line up alongside each other, while the black youngsters gather together at the other end of the pool. And on a line of training bikes, it is the same story. Black and white separated by colour. see more photo after the cut...
So what are we to make of it?

As we can see, more than once — in social and sporting situations — the group seems subconsciously to divide in two

Exercising in the swimming pool, six white players line up alongside each other, while the black youngsters gather together at the other end of the pool