Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Obese 600lb grocery store worker sheds more than HALF of his body weight - and says his new-found confidence helped him to come out as gay

                 Party in his pants: Stephen shows off his old shorts with a co-worker at the Publix grocery store he bags groceries at in Florida
One obese man is on a mission to lose weight the old-fashioned way - and he's already down more than half his starting body weight.
Stephen Pagano, 27, from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighed a staggering 601lbs when he joined Weight Watchers in January of 2012.
But since the Publix grocery store bag boy decided to change his life, he's lost a total of 343.6lbs, putting him well on his way to reaching his goal weight of 180lbs. see more photo after the cut,,

                  On the path from fat to fit: Pictured (left) in 2010, Stephen once tipped the scales at over 600 lbs; pictured (right) in 2014, he has gotten down to only 257 lbsOn the path from fat to fit: Pictured (left) in 2010, Stephen once tipped the scales at over 600 lbs; pictured (right) in 2014, he has gotten down to only 257 lbs
                  Heavy lifting: In 2011, Stephen weighed so much that he had health problems and needed to use a wheelchair or scooter to get around
                     Major transformation: Since joining Weight Watchers, Stephen (pictured, before weight loss) has dropped over half his body weightMajor transformation: Since joining Weight Watchers, Stephen has dropped over half his body weight (pictured)
                 Success story: Stephen, pictured since shedding more than half his body weight, shows off a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that he used to wear when he was at his heaviestSuccess story: Stephen, pictured since shedding more than half his body weight, shows off a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that he used to wear when he was at his heaviest

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